Sweat sesh 💦
Part #1 – 5-minute Max Aerobic Power (MAP5)
Bike/Ski/Row – Max steady 5-minute effort for average watts/total calories/distance!
Brief. Your goal is to test the highest STEADY pace (avg. watts) you can maintain for 5-minutes.
*Rest 8 minutes before Part #2
Part #2 – 20-minute Functional Threshold Power (FTP20)
B) Bike/Ski/Row – Max steady 20-minute effort for average watts/total calories/distance
Brief. Your goal is to test the highest STEADY pace (avg. watts) you can maintain for 20-minutes.
*Rest 5 minutes before Part #3
Part #3 – Anaerobic Capacity
C) Bike/Ski/Row – Max ALL OUT 1-minute effort for average watts
Brief. Your goal is to test your MAXIMAL output for a 1-minute effort. You MUST go hard from the beginning and then hold on. (Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP! This will kill your average watt output and invalidate the test.)
Back squat
Build up to a 1RM for the day.
*You have a 20 min window.
*CrossFit Games Quarterfinals workout 24.2
3 rounds for time of:
50 wall balls @ 9/6kg
50 lateral burpee box jump-overs
Time cap. 20 minutes
~ Elbow/Shoulder Flow
Accessory/2 Sets
5/5 Single arm arnold press
10 Ring face pulls
15 Bent over reverse flyes
A) Strict press
Build up to a 1RM for the day.
*Rest 5 minutes before starting part B.
B) Strict chin-up
Build up to a 1RM for the day.
Bench press
Build up to a 1RM for the day.
@ 20 min window
*AMRAP 2 – Thruster
@ standard weight 42.5/30kg
*AMRAP 2 – Wall walks
*AMRAP 2 – ABmat Sit ups
*AMRAP 2 – Double unders
– if you can’t do DU’s then test your crossovers or single unders!
Build up to a 1RM for the day.
*AMRAP 2 @ 60%1RM deadlift
*AMRAP 2 – Handstand push ups
*AMRAP 2 – Pull ups
*AMRAP 2 – Toes to bar