Sweat sesh 💦
4 intervals, alternate A1/A2
A1. In a 7:00 window
21 – 15 – 9
KB Swings
Burpees in the remaining time!
A2. In a 7:00 window
400m Row/Bike/Ski
40 Wall balls @ 9/6kg
Burpees in the remaining time!
– Rest 2:00 between intervals –
**Your score is total number of burpees.
No contact muscle snatch + snatch balance
5 x 2+2 @ 50%+1RM snatch, EMOM
Squat snatch
3 x 2 @ 75%, E1:30
7 Rounds for time
12/8 (cal) Row/Bike/Ski
9 Push ups
5 Power Snatch @ 42.5/30kg
Timecap: 14 minutes
2 Rounds
10 Pike T-extensions
5 Scapular pull-ups (with a 2 sec hold)
3 Strict pull-ups
10 Active/passive shoulder extension (use a stick, each position 3-seconds)
5 Tension swings (sponge/block between feet)
6 min EMOM
*choose e number of reps and hold on !
**you can do kipping or butterfly pull ups!
Alternate B1/B2
B1. Banded DB bench press – 3 x 8-12, rest 1:00 before B2
B2. Single arm DB row – 3 x 8-12/side, rest 2:00 before B1
Paused front squat + front squat
5 x 2+1 @ 74+% (2 RIR)
rest 3:00 btw sets
*3 sec pause in bottom position for the first 2 reps and the last one should be performed at a normal speed!
For time
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
DB Snatches, alt @ 22.5/15kg
6 Toes-to-bars
20 Double-unders
Target time. < 13:00
*The intent for this workout is to do everything unbroken!
Hang Squat Clean
10 x 1 @ 70-75%
EMOM 10 (0:40 work / 0:20 rest)
1) Handstand push ups
2) Rope climbs (those who can not perform a full rope climb do ring rows)