Sweat sesh 💦
4 intervals, alternate A1/A2
A1. In a 8:00 window
21/15 (cal) Row/Bike/Ski
15 Air squats
9 Push ups
A2. In a 8:00 window
21/15 (cal) BikeErg/Row/Ski
15 Abmat Sit ups
9 KB Swings @ 24/16kg
– Rest 2:00 between intervals –
High Hang Power Clean
1 x 3 @73-78%, E2:00
2 x 2 @ 78-83%, E1:30
3 x 1 @ 83-88%, EMOM
For time
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Power clean and jerks @ 30/20kg
Burpees over the bar
200m Run (each round)
Target time. < 20:00
Alternate A1/A2
A1. Incline bench press – 4 x 6-8 (1-2 RIR), rest 1:30 before A2
A2. Pendlay row – 4 x 8-12 (1-2 RIR), rest 2:00 before A1
Up/Down ladder with a 10:00 time cap:
1-2-3-…-3-2-1 Strict ring dips
* Do 1 strict ring dip, rest, then 2 strict ring dips, rest, etc. until you get to biggest set you can complete unbroken, then rest and work your way back down (e.g. if you get up to 5 [1-2-3-4-5] then you must work back down [4-3-2-1]
** IF your max reps is < 5, you can keep repeating the ladder from start after finishing your 1st one ( = 1-2-3-2-1 then start again 1-2-…)
***score is total number of ring dips
Midline capacity/4 Sets
Max V-ups in 45″
* rest 1:15 btw sets
Back squat
6 x 6 @ 76-80% (2 RIR)
*rest 3:00 btw sets
EMOM 10′
(0:40 work / 0:20 rest)
1) Wall walks
2) Single-leg squats, alternating
For time
150 Double-unders
50 Toes-to-bars
25 Box step-overs @ 2 x 22.5/15kg
50 Handstand push-ups
25 Box step-overs @ 2 x 22.5/15kg
5 Rope climbs
150 Double-unders
Target time. < 20:00
Accessory/3 Sets
5 Jefferson curls @ bodyweight
8/side ATG Split squats @ bodyweight
10/side KB Side bends @ 24/16kg